Tough-to-treat wastewater concentration

Thanks to our CD modules, you are able to concentrate highly contaminated wastewater such as:

  • landfill and composting leachate
  • food & beverage effluents
  • pharmaceutical effluents
  • distillery effluents
  • textile and tannery effluents
  • metal working effluents
  • mine drainages
  • produced water

Here, the high contents of suspended solids, organics and/or salts doesn’t allow the application of spiral-wound NF/RO membranes

CD-RO unit for landfill leachate treatment

Brine concentration and MLD/ZLD applications

Processes such as MLD (Minimal Liquid Discharge) and ZLD (Zero Liquid Discharge) to minimize or avoid wastewater discharge are one of the outstanding challenges in the field of environmental protection

Our CD modules allow to concentrate wastewater to such an extent that its disposal or further treatment (crystallization or evaporation) are economically feasible and acceptable

In particular, wastewater can be concentrated up to 130,000 ppm TDS and up to 100,000 ppm COD and operating pressures up to 140 bar can be reached

CD-RO unit for brine concentration

Process water recycling

Highly contaminated process waters may be recycled, thus minimizing the amount to be discharged. Eventually, additional membrane passes and stages as well as other technologies (e.g. ion exchange, electrodeionization, etc.) may be used to reach the required purity degree

CD-RO unit for process water recycling

Wastewater reuse

Treated secondary effluents can be directly processed in order to promote wastewater reuse, without any pretreatment such as multimedia filtration or MF/UF

CD-RO unit for pharmaceutical wastewater reuse

Resource recovery

In some process streams, the concentrate is the valuable part while the permeate is to be sent to further treatment before discharge. Thanks to its unique hydraulic design, CD modules are able to handle also this kind of applications

For example, in case of yeast fermenters washing water concentration, Brix values up to 12 can be reached within the concentrate

Feed water (left), permeate (center), and concentrate (right)